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Research governance

Please email if you have any suggested additions. 

ADCS (undated) Guidelines for Research Approvals. Manchester: ADCS.

Alderson, P., and Morrow, V. (2006) Multidisciplinary research ethics review: is it feasible? International Journal of Social Research Methodology, 9, 5, 405.  

Boddy, J., Boaz, A., Lupton, C., and Pahl, J. (2006) What counts as research? Mapping the field for the Research Governance Framework. International Journal of Social Research Methodology, 9, 4, 317–330.

Boddy, J., and Oliver, C. (2010) Research Governance in Childrens Services: The Scope for New Advice.  DfE Research Report RR072.

Boden, R, Epstein, D. and Latimer, J. (2009) Accounting for ethos or programmes for conduct? The brave new world of research ethics committees. Sociological Review, 57, 4, 727-749.  

Cleasby, P. (2008) Using Better Evidence: A review of the Science Review Programme Report and Recommendations. Report to the Government Office for Science.

Department of Health (2004) The Research Governance Framework for Health and Social Care. Implementation plan for social care. London: Department of Health.

Department of Health (2007) Response from the Department of Health to the Report of the Social Care Ethics Review Planning Group. London: Department of Health. Accessed 29 May 2009

Dyer, S., and Demeritt, D. (2009) Un-ethical review? Why it is wrong to apply the medical model of research governance to human geography. Progress in Human Geography, 33, 1, 46-64.  

Elwyn, G., Seagrove, A., Thorne, K., and Cheung, W.Y. (2005) Ethics and research governance in a multicentre study: add 150 days to your study protocol. British Medical Journal, 330: 847.

Fontaine, N., and Rosengren, B. (2001) Directive 2001/20/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 4 April 2001 on the approximation of the laws, regulations and administrative provisions of the Member States relating to the implementation of good clinical practice in the conduct of clinical trials on medicinal products for human use. Official Journal of the European Communities, L121/34-44.

Hammersley, M. (2009) Against the ethicists: on the evils of ethical regulation. International Journal of Social Research Methodology, 12: 3, 211-225.

HM Treasury (2006) Ethical assurance for social research in government. London: Government Social Research Unit

Langfeldt, L. (2006) The policy challenges of peer review: managing bias, conflict of interests and interdisciplinary assessments. Research Evaluation, 15, 1, 31–41.

Mallick, A.A. and O’Callaghan, F.J. (2009) Research governance delays for a multicentre non-interventional study. Journal of Research in Social Medicine, 102, 5, 195-198.

National Research Ethics Service (2008) Defining Research. London: National Research Ethics Service.

Research Councils UK (2006) Report of the Research Councils UK Efficiency and Effectiveness of Peer Review Project. Swindon: RCUK.

Research Councils UK (2009) RCUK Policy and Code of Conduct on the Governance of Good Research Conduct. Integrity, Clarity and Good Management. Swindon: RCUK.

Social Services Research Group (2005) Research Governance FrameworkResource Pack

Thomas, R., and Walport, M. (2008) Data Sharing Review Report. Report to the Ministry of Justice. Accessed 8 November 2009: