
This website has been developed by a team at the Institute of Education, University of London: Janet Boddy, Tim Neumann, Sean Jennings, Virginia Morrow, Priscilla Alderson, Rebecca Rees and Will Gibson

Information on the site reflects the views of the project team, and is intended as a guide to reflection and decision making.  It does not represent the views of the website funders, and it remains the responsibility of the individual researcher to ensure that they abide by all ethical and legal requirements that are applicable to their research.

Development of the website was funded by ESRC, through the Researcher Development Initiative.  Particular thanks are due to Professor Mike Wallace, the RDI Coordinator, for his invaluable advice and support. We also benefited greatly from the advice of the team leading the revisions to the ESRC Framework for Research Ethics, Mary Day and Michelle Dodson at ESRC.

The project began with a scoping period, involving interviews and discussion with a range of key experts in the field, representing research funding bodies, including government departments, academic experts in research ethics, and organisations involved in ethics regulation or governance.  The team benefited considerably from their insights and experience (although the site does not claim to represent their views). Particular thanks go to:  Jane Hutton at the University of Warwick; Carol Lupton at the Department of Health; Christine Milligan at the University of Lancaster; John Oates at The Open University; Deborah Rutter at the Social Care Institute for Excellence; Stephen Struthers at ESRC; and Rose Wiles, at the University of Southampton and ESRC National Centre for Research Methods.

We are also very grateful to colleagues, at the Institute of Education and beyond, who gave so generously of their time to provide feedback on the website content and design. Particular thanks go to colleagues who have contributed examples of ethics dilemmas for inclusion in the site - they have not been identified, to ensure anonymity, but their help is very much appreciated nonetheless.

The website was designed by Social Spider, in collaboration with the WOW Agency at London Metropolitan University.  Thanks go to: Mawada Abushwerb, Mark Brown, Nikolay Dimitrov, and Alan Stuart.